Golden Tote Faux Wrap Dress (love this and this) | Fringe Kimono old | Target Sandals, old | Clutch, old | BaubleBar necklace, old

Happy June (I can't believe summer is almost here!)  It can be hard to dress for the workplace in hot weather, but this Wrap Dress is the perfect mix of professional and fun!  I can't get enough of palm prints these days, but I'm especially partial to this bold print!  The color combo of the navy with the black and white makes it unique enough that I needed it in my closet!  I threw on this fringe kimono to keep it casual, but this dress is also a perfect candidate to go from work to a night out.

I snagged this dress from Golden Tote last month.  It was an old surprise item, but be sure to request the Collective Concepts Palm Print Dress in case they have any left!  I linked a few of my favorite bold palm prints above since I can't find this exact dress online.