Last weekend I had an opportunity to visit Eviama Life Spa here in Philly!  While the spa has been around for a while, it's been at the current location on 13th Street for about 2 years.  Penny, the owner of the spa, gave me a tour the facility!
The building had beautiful features, floor to ceiling windows with stunning city views, used recycled materials, and had unique artwork!
 The open house included a delicious spread of treats (who knew vegan cheese was so good!)
There was also a chance to sample three of the services, a massage, a hand scrub using beer (yes, beer can be good for you-as long as you're not drinking it!), and guided meditation.  I first sampled the meditation, which was relaxing but not for me.  I prefer to do yoga to relax.  I also tried out the massage, which used innovative techniques and seemed to get some of those pesky knots out in just a few minutes.  I can't wait to go back and get a longer massage!  I didn't try the hand scrub, but I head only good things about it.

In addition to all the services they offer, there is also the cutest boutique.  Look at these beautiful handmade and unique pieces!  I may have been a little obsessed with the beautiful bags and clutches, but there also a gorgeous collection of jewels, scarves, vintage Kimonos and other trinkets.
I had so much fun checking out a new spa in the city and look forward to stopping back!